Monday, August 31, 2015

An Angry Statue

I'm thinking and almost feeling the wrath and the anger emanating from this statue! It was shot in Poznan. But anyway, it's not about the location, but the emotions conveyed.

There's a sense of foreboding. It's as if something major is about to erupt, like the building up to a crescendo in an opera. Something's boiling within and growing in heat and strength. It's like strength being summoned to be released soon, very soon. There's obviously something that will be the target of this pent up energy.

He's looking dangerous. The finger is pointing perhaps at the object or the subject of his anger. Is it anger over being hurt, or perhaps he is defending his city, the last man standing between the enemy forces and his beloved birthplace? 

That trident looks dangerous too. Like it is ready to do its job, to fulfil its very purpose of existence. For it is in doing what it was created that the trident actualises its purpose. The trident looks sharp. And ready. 

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