Sunday, September 6, 2015

No. 44

No. 44 is a Polish bank somewhere in Poznan. 

I did not see anyone entering or exiting it. It was a quiet day, or a quiet time of the day. 

I see a street lamp standing still. Off duty and unlighted for the night is still far away. 

Maybe there are days when the bank is a beehive of activities - town folks making deposits of their hard earned cash or making withdrawals for their needs and wants. Maybe tourists too, in need to exchange for the local currency. But not today, not at this hour of my shot.

Both the bank and the lamp have their place in our lives. Indeed, there is a time for everything under the sun. The bank, a storehouse of savings for a rainy day. And the lamp, a steady light for the Polish night.

Each has their purpose. So do we, and in our few short years of life, it's worth discovering our purpose and fulfil it. 

Pick your number. It doesn't have to be number 44. Right now I'm on number 47 coming to 48 in a few days time! 

And so, that's what No. 44 triggered in my mind. 

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