Friday, September 4, 2015

Narrow Design

OK, here's another building with an interesting pattern, Already the pattern is interesting by itself, but what intrigues me is the width of the building! It does look narrow, and one wonders, if the pattern reflects the physical dimension of the building, imagine the kind of interior design and furnishing, not to mention the furnitures.

I, of course might be incorrect, as some of you might point out. Maybe, maybe not. In fact it does not truly matter, nor would I like to get all webbed up in a spidery entanglement of academic discussions. My photo shoots allow me to soar a little bit more, like that of a child. That's far more important than to decide the point of who is right or wrong. 

In other matters of life, there might come the time to make a stand for what is right and what is wrong, but I would fight for that in the matter of art. Values and principles yes, but not this.

If I do, I'd be, in my mind, just like the building - a narrow design. 

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